Lorena Russi was born a Lorena inside a Lorena

Lorena was born inside of a Lorena, found inside another Lorena. She and all her clones have created content with BuzzFeed and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and also hosted Chipotle’s Snapchat channel! You can additionally find them all filming, writing, and performing on her comedy channel @Quesodigital as well as on a Magnet Theater Sketch team on Monday nights. Please contact Lorena if you want to make some “hahah” together or if you’re interested in being cloned.**

**Cloning not guaranteed

Best comedy advice you ever got?

On writing about race: “Kicking a dog while it’s down will never be funny.”

Worst comedy advice you ever got?

On a sketch about a lesbian couple: “I think they should kiss. How else will people know they’re dating?”

Favorite response to a heckler or troll?

“That’s so crazy, I was just about to say the same thing to you!”

How has being funny helped you in your offstage life, either recently or when you were younger?

Sometimes being funny saved me from getting bullied. But also I learned how to laugh when I inevitably did get bullied.

Single word that always cracks you up?


On your deathbed, what transcendent advice would you croak at a young female comedian?

Just remember, your tits will only take you so far!

What’s your first impulse when someone says “women aren’t funny”?

“BYE FELICIA!” Or alternatively “Thank YOU! I agree, I don’t think men are funny either!” And then if they try to repeat themselves, I walk away pretending I have Lotto tickets to buy.

Was there one person who inspired you to become a comedian? If so, who, why, how?

Lucille Ball. (Admittedly I did google how to spell her name.) We watched I Love Lucy as kids and I think seeing how much respect my dad had for her really influenced my outlook on silly women. Even though it was farcical his admiration for her made it okay for me to like her too. #Daddyissues

It’s not an original answer, but something about aspiring to be an unorthodox version of greatness has always inspired my work. Thanks Dad!

When you were coming up in comedy, what helped you stick with it?

Endlessly hustling and appreciating small victories. Sometimes its all you get! Also, survival? I’m not good at anything else!

What advice do you have for how to level up from open mics + bringers to actual SPOT-spots?

The more I make my own material the more people book me and the more satisfied I feel about the work I’m making. Also go to all the events, meet people, NETWORK BEBE.

Feelings about the word “comedienne”?

I never took French and I’m not starting now!

Lorena was born inside of a Lorena, found inside another Lorena. She and all her clones have created content with BuzzFeed and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and also hosted Chipotle’s Snapchat channel! You can additionally find them all filming, writing, and performing on her comedy channel @Quesodigital as well as on a Magnet Theater Sketch team on Monday nights. Please contact Lorena if you want to make some “hahah” together or if you’re interested in being cloned.**

**Cloning not guaranteed